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The signal the multi rate HD/SD-SDI format is converted into the optical signal, and the long distance can be transmitted.
DWDM 100GHz spacing available.

Item Specifications
Tx [FH-OY-5101□] Rx [FH-OR-5101□]
SDI Input Signal format SMPTE292M[1,485Gbps], 259M[143-360Mbps],
344M[540Mbps], DVB-ASI[270Mbps]
Number of input/
output port
德赢AC米兰官方合作伙伴 德赢AC米兰官方合作伙伴[mon:德赢AC米兰官方合作伙伴]
Impeadance 75Ω/BNC[female]
Delay <0.2UI
Optical input/output Optical Output Wavelength 1557.36nm to 1551.72nm
[ITU-G CH25-CH32]
Received Wavelength - 1.55µm
Optical Output Power +7dBm/ch[Typ.] -
Optical Input Power - -18dBm[Typ.]/
Optical conecter SC-SPC
Optical fiber 1.31µm SMF, SMF 10/125µm
STM STM Interface SNMP
STM items OPT level, LD current, LD temp, DATA rate, Reclock

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