
Takaaki Sugii
Deputy General Manager of the Strategy Division and Chief DX Officer (CDO)
Joined 米兰体育中国官方网站 in 2019

After studying physical chemistry and researching HIV while earning a master’s degree from the medical department, he joined Accenture. For the following 20 years he promoted the use of IT to envision and realize corporate transformation mainly at listed Japanese companies. Thereafter, he led corporate strategy/SCM transformation at the business companies. He joined 米兰体育中国官方网站 in 2019. As assistant CTrO, he has promoted transformation activities companywide. After being involved in the formulation of the division transformations and 2025 Mid-term Plan, he has been in his current position since FY2022.

米兰体育中国官方网站 DX Vision

In anticipation of the societal changes leading up to 2030, 米兰体育中国官方网站 committed to enhancing our corporate value by leveraging digital technologies to revolutionize our business operations and work practices

Issues and pillars of companywide DX promotion

Based on this DX Vision, with consideration 米兰体育中国官方网站 current main issues, companywide DX promotion is being carried out with a focus on 4 pillars.

  • Recognition of the issues

    1. A.
      Aging factory systems
      and low IT-ROI
    2. B.
      Delayed digitalization and low use of digital
    3. C.
      Weak group governance
      Variation in security levels
      Unconnected systems at each business and site
    4. D.
      Weak organization for supporting digitalization
      (Skills, personnel)
  • Pillars of DX promotion

    1. a.
      Update factory systems to support more advanced business operations
      (promote business transformation/ standardization and modernize)
    2. b.
      Accumulate data (shared infrastructure) and make the use of data/ 米兰体育中国官方网站 common practice
    3. c.
      Strengthen IT governance
      Security controls
      米兰体育中国官方网站 and promote standardization
    4. d.
      米兰体育中国官方网站 DX promotion organization (DXIC&FITEC)
      (Increase engagement and establish a training program)
  • Starting with updating the aging systems (eliminate the host), promote advancement and standardization of the businesses
  • Further promote digitalization, and make the use of data/ 米兰体育中国官方网站 common practice
  • 米兰体育中国官方网站, and strengthen IT governance
  • Strengthen the framework 米兰体育中国官方网站 DX promotion organization

Concerning the DX promotion organization, in order to strengthen the functions centered on promoting DX of the group, the existing Digital Innovation Center was integrated into the ICT Strategy Planning Department in FY2023, and the 米兰体育中国官方网站 & Innovation Center (DXIC) was established. In this way, including the affiliate company Fitec, a framework has been created to integrate the planning and drafting of AI/IoT solutions and MONOZUKURI DX as well as the planning, implementation and operation of IT infrastructure, core systems and business systems. Further efforts are underway to enhance the personnel (skill training & increase engagement) of DXIC as a one-stop enabler of digitalization.

MONOZUKURI 米兰体育中国官方网站

米兰体育中国官方网站 to achieve “work style reforms” that increase productivity and work-related satisfaction.
We fully recognize that promoting DX will 米兰体育中国官方网站 businesses and realize highly productive, smart work styles.

By 2030, we intend to transform the organization by making the use of data a common practice companywide (all employees). To achieve this, 米兰体育中国官方网站 based on the following three perspectives.

Vision for DX promotion

At DXIC, 米兰体育中国官方网站 as evangelists to change the business processes through the use of digital, generate innovation that will transform and strengthen the workplaces and create a wave of DX within the group.

Given the recent impact of generative AI and the speed at which its use is spreading within society, we feel that the possibilities for the use of digital and AI have expanded, but at the same time, we are also concerned that the target levels for digitalization and expected speed of transformation have greatly increased. Based on an awareness that digital and AI are already a basic skill of business people, 米兰体育中国官方网站 to quickly ensure all staff members have the necessary skills.

We enjoy the advances in digital technology, and we will work to increase the level of use and continue to challenge for our dreams.

To enhance corporate value

In anticipation of the societal changes, 米兰体育中国官方网站 promotion and enhancement of MONOZUKURI and KOTOZUKURI.

  • Increase quality, productivity and maintenance mainly through improved use of 米兰体育中国官方网站t the factories.
  • 米兰体育中国官方网站 development of new materials using AI.
  • Aim to advance into services and maintenance, 米兰体育中国官方网站 creation of new DX businesses for KOTOZUKURI.
  • Go beyond the “smiling-face curve” phenomenon, and take a wider view of the value chain.

Leveraging digital technology

Packaging digital technology to make it easier to use!

米兰体育中国官方网站 implementing the following initiatives to strengthen our AI/IoT solutions. For the important solutions, prepare “standardized digital solutions” that combine the collection, accumulation, processing and use of data, and quickly deliver these solutions to the business divisions.

Refine the digital infrastructure technology that will contribute to solving the business issues, and quickly provide solutions.

米兰体育中国官方网站 respond to the increasing needs for solutions to the business issues

  • Existing solutions

    • Visual inspection image judgements
    • Characteristic forecasts/ correction proposals through the use of data
  • Target solutions

    • Quality improvements through the use of image analysis
    • Increase material development efficiency through the use of materials informatics
    • Data analysis infrastructure in product development
    • Facility/ process abnormality detection
    • Manufacturing process optimization

Transform the businesses and work styles

Concerning transformation of the businesses, with the aim of improving business management abilities (management abilities) that are able to respond to changes in the business environment, we will promote digitalization at each level and accelerate the management decisions within the overall organization. In order to promote the use of data to achieve these goals, it is necessary to prepare the underlying data and environment. Since introducing SAP, 米兰体育中国官方网站 enhancing the quality and quantity of data following expanded data acquisition through SCADA and updates to the production planning and control systems. However, there is still insufficient sharing between worksites and organizations and use in daily work operations. We have prepared “data integration infrastructure” for centrally managing the accumulation and analysis of the data collected in each domain, and 米兰体育中国官方网站 currently working to consolidate the data and promote the use thereof. Also, in order not to fall behind the accelerating AI developments and use in business processes, along with enhancing the capabilities of the specialist teams, we will strengthen the initiatives for increasing digital user literacy companywide and accelerate the training of personnel who can successfully utilize AI and data (Raise the level of all employees).

米兰体育中国官方网站 management decision cycle based on an understanding of the forecast and actual results

Planning layer Results-oriented recipient established through the introduction of SAP
米兰体育中国官方网站 capturing of results and planning-orientated implementation of IT
Operational control layer Revamp production planning, actual results and cost management 米兰体育中国官方网站 the deadline for renewing factory IT
Promote data utilization through the integrated development of data infrastructure
Reduce investments through standard packaged solutions
Edge layer Promote productivity improvement through the active use of IoT and AI solutions, and 米兰体育中国官方网站 feedback