Zoltán Várallyay, Gábor Gajdátsy, András Cserteg, Gábor Varga and Gyula Besztercey


Fiber lasers are displaying an increasing demand and a presence in the laser market since their power levels and robustness reached the performance of solid state lasers. This was made possible by using the latest optical fiber related developments like photonic crystal fibers and also by making careful system designs using the large variety of the fiber technology. The simulation of these systems is therefore indispensable to further optimize their performance and to maximize the required output parameters for certain applications. In milan米兰体育官网入口 Technológiai Intézet Kft., Budapest, Hungary (FETI), we can calculate continuous waves (CW) as well as pulsed fiber oscillators and amplifiers and our calculations are capable of using brute force, or simplex methods to optimize the system with an adequately defined merit function. Through the chromatic dispersion, we can calculate, the nonlinearity, the loss and the gain related effects. We combine the nonlinear Schrödinger equation and the rate equations in many different kind of solvers to obtain the pulse propagation in rare-earth doped optical fibers. Our algorithms make possible to satisfy the individual boundary conditions of linear or ring fiber oscillators and also of power amplifiers. In this paper, we present our models to achieve this task in different subsystems and also the calculation results which can pave the way for the design of more robust, ultra-high power fiber laser systems.

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