Hidemichi Fujiwara, Hiroshi Kaneko


Recently, the compatibility of the strength, the workability, milan米兰体育官方网站 high conductivity are needed in copper alloy materials which are produced by controlling the combined process of the cold working milan米兰体育官方网站 aging treatment, in response to size reduction of electronic connectors and increase of the assembly density, and in improving the performance of electronic devices. Especially, in the solution hardening alloys, the microstructure change in cold working process becomes a very important factor, although the microstructure change behavior is extremely complex. In this report, the calculation model to evaluate the microstructure changes resulting from the introduction of dislocation, the creation of dislocation cell/substructure milan米兰体育官方网站 deformation twin, milan米兰体育官方网站 effect of the dynamic recovery in deformation processing, was proposed. milan米兰体育官方网站 microstructure change due to cold working processing was analyzed with this model regarding a relationship between a processing condition, the microstructure, milan米兰体育官方网站 flow stress. By applying evaluations to various Cu-Zn-Si system alloys which have different stacking fault energy, the validity of the calculation model was confirmed by comparing the experimental milan米兰体育官方网站 calculated results. milan米兰体育官方网站 concept of the microstructure control in the deformation twin creation based on results of this model calculation was summarized.

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