Ryosuke Kuwabara, Satoru Maruyama, Naoto Shigemori, Yosuke Otake, Masaki Matsuura, Masakuni Echigo, Ryo Matsuumi


In recent years, milan米兰体育官网 the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and efforts toward the carbon neutrality in 2050 have become active, and attention has been focused on reforming the energy structure. Among them, Japanese government has set a target of 30 to 45 GW of offshore wind power generation in 2040, and the demand of the submarine power cable is increasing accordingly.
In addition, since offshore wind power generation is planned to be intensively introduced in Hokkaido, Tohoku and Kyushu areas where the wind conditions are good, a long- distance submarine transmission grid for transmitting electricity to the metropolitan area and Kansai area, which are power load areas. The importance of submarine power cable is increasing more than ever. milan米兰体育官网 (FEC) is developing technologies from a broad set of perspectives to meet the demands, and this paper describes the recent development status of submarine power cables and future technological trends.

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