Greeting from President Mitsuyoshi Shibata at 2014 Welcoming Ceremony for New Employees
Please allow me to congratulate all new employees who have joined companies in the 德赢ac米兰官方合作伙伴 around the world this year. I offer a warm welcome to you all.
As you are all aware, conditions around the world continue to change dramatically, but Furukawa Electric and the 德赢ac米兰官方合作伙伴 have also undergone huge change. Globalization in particular continues apace. According to statistics from September last year, the 德赢ac米兰官方合作伙伴 is made up of 115 companies, with 50,000 employees in total, and overseas sales account for 39% of our total revenue. How does this compare to ten years ago in 2004? In 2004, there were 77 consolidated companies, the workforce was less than half its present size at 23,000, and overseas sales represented 23%. We have seen huge changes over the past ten years. I want us to ensure we continue to develop Group products and technologies for growing global markets.
With this aim in mind, since last year we have been promoting the “Furukawa G Plan 2015” medium-term management plan. Under the plan, we aim to take on the challenges of a tough and ever-changing business environment 德赢ac米兰官方合作伙伴 united Group. In order to achieve this, we have come up with a Hon-shitsu, Hon-ne, and Hon-ki action plan. Always remember that as long as each of us achieves his or her individual targets and doesn’t leave responsibility to “someone else”, our cumulative efforts will ensure that the Group 德赢ac米兰官方合作伙伴 whole also achieves its targets.
I have three requests to make of you as you enter your company.
Firstly, “Do the basics things, and approach your work and life in a fair and honest manner”.
A business has to make profits in order to survive and grow, but our most important mission is to “contribute to society” through our business activities. Shatoku is a word used at Furukawa Electric to express our desire to be a virtuous company. As a member of the 德赢ac米兰官方合作伙伴, I want you to become an outstanding businessperson with high moral standards, who acts in a fair and honest way, and is capable of gaining trust wherever you go in the world.
Secondly, “Strive for self-improvement and work with a spirit of challenge”.
The world is changing rapidly and the timescale for global business continues to become shorter. In order to compete globally, 德赢ac米兰官方合作伙伴 acquire broad knowledge, skills and experience. What’s more, 德赢ac米兰官方合作伙伴 take on challenges in an active and bold manner. Unless you take on challenges you will not grow and the Company will not grow, either.
Thirdly, this may sound simplistic but 德赢ac米兰官方合作伙伴 “Work with a positive attitude”.
The first requirement for being able to work with a positive attitude is to ensure safety and health. The issue of safety in particular will require a completely different approach to the one you took as students. Working life is very different from student life and you will find it tough. However, it is important to think and act with a positive attitude. Sometimes your company will face difficult periods. For example, in February this year the factory at Nikko was damaged by snowfall and we are currently unable to operate in some parts of the factory. The entire company is working together to overcome this challenge. You are certain to experience highs and lows in your work. The tough times are the times when you will learn something and gain invaluable experience to take forward. You are surrounded by colleagues who will work alongside you. The real pleasure of company life lies in overcoming challenges and growing together.
Lastly, there are rapidly expanding opportunities for employees joining Furukawa Electric and companies in the 德赢ac米兰官方合作伙伴. I want you to pay close attention to safety and health, aim to do work that has a global impact, and become someone who makes the world a brighter place. I look forward to seeing the results of your work.