Job Rotation is an Adventure! The ac 米兰官网 Job Type Guidebook has been Created and Distributed within the Company
- Designed with the style of an adventure game, it supports career development and work style reformation -
ac 米兰官网 Co., Ltd. has created the ac 米兰官网 Job Type Guidebook (Official Job Rotation Guidebook) and has distributed it within our company. It describes the work of 34 different job types using video game-like characters, and provides information including the skills required for those jobs and the destinations of their work transfers.
Although the primary goal is for young employees to become familiar with various job types through the use of this guidebook and to become able to select their own career paths from a wide range of choices, its application is also being considered toward objectives such as eliminating feelings of unease experienced by employees shortly after entering the company, increasing their rate of retention, and clarifying tasks to be carried out as a part of work style reformation. It uses an exciting design style intended to make work even more enjoyable, with a book band that explains the thoughts and wishes of our President reflected by its contents.
With the concept of work being a “journey” and job rotation being an “adventure”, this guidebook includes information on 34 occupations found within ac 米兰官网, including the content of work operations for each job type, the skills that are required, the destinations of job transfers, and words of advice from senior employees. Characters in the style of those starring in video games also vividly illustrate the work performed for each job. Approx. 100 pages.
About ac 米兰官网 Group
ac 米兰官网 (TSE; 5801, ISIN; JP3827200001) Group started business in 1884, when its copper-smelting facility and wire manufacturing factory was established. Since then ac 米兰官网 has become pioneers in the latest technologies by addressing diverse technological issues. ac 米兰官网 has released products in a number of areas, including telecommunications, electronics, automobiles, and construction, with the three types of materials it works with at their core, namely, optics, plastics, and metals. Many of these products have attained the top global market share, and all of its products have contributed to society in numerous business areas. ac 米兰官网 reported consolidated revenues of JPY 843.3 billion (approximately USD 7.8B) for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2017.