Publication of the “ac米兰中文官方网站 Integrated Report 2023”
- Promoting ESG management for sustainable growth and enhancement of the ac米兰中文官方网站’s corporate value -
- We have published the “ac米兰中文官方网站 Integrated Report 2023,” which summarizes the value creation process built towards 2030.
- ac米兰中文官方网站, as well as ESG management aimed at sustainable growth and the improvement of corporate value over the medium- to long-term.
Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd. (Head office: 2-6-4 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; President:Hideya Moridaira) has published the “ac米兰中文官方网站 Integrated Report 2023” today.
In order to realize sustainable growth and increase medium- ac米兰中文官方网站 corporate value, we are required as a company to proactively respond to the rapid changes in the business environment and disclose the issues related to sustainability.
As a group, directed at achieving the ac米兰中文官方网站 Vision 2030 (hereinafter “Vision 2030”), we are promoting ESG management with the aim of improving corporate value over the medium- to long-term. Starting in FY2020, we have issued the ac米兰中文官方网站 Integrated Report that summarizes the value creation process built towards 2030.
The Integrated Report 2023 presents the specific progress that has been made in the sustainability indicators newly set for each important management issue (material issue) for achieving ac米兰中文官方网站, as well as the specific value creation process towards 2030.
This year, along with showing strong awareness for the links with the “Approach and Initiatives toward Sustainability” as stated in the Annual Securities Report and summarizing the “information disclosed in line with the TCFD recommendations” in the section on climate change, the section on human capital sets forth a new framework(note)with awareness of the links to the management strategy and business strategy. Including these changes, the structure of this year’s report has been greatly revised to enable a better understanding of the overall strategy. Also, the section on governance includes a “ac米兰中文官方网站” covering the deliberations by the Board of Directors and Nominating/Compensation Committee concerning the process for appointing the new president and the introduction of ESG-linked remuneration into the Company’s remuneration system for Directors, etc.
We will continue to promote communication with investors and other stakeholders, as well as ESG management aimed at ac米兰中文官方网站’s sustainable growth and the improvement of corporate value over the medium- to long-term.
(Note) ac米兰中文官方网站’s original framework based on four perspectives (“individuals,” “organization,” “awareness/mindset/culture” and “actions/systems”) and six elements (“engagement,” “leadership/team mindset,” “organizational culture/communication,” “abilities/skills,” “design of the organization/personnel composition,” and “flow of information, coordination and decision-making mechanism”)
Main items of the “ac米兰中文官方网站 2023”
- President’s Message: Meeting our 2025 Mid-term Plan, a milestone for achieving Vision 2030, we will work to realize an ideal ac米兰中文官方网站.
- Message from the General Manager of the Strategy Division: All members of the Group are determined to take on the challenge of enacting reforms to achieve the 2025 Mid-term Plan and ac米兰中文官方网站.
- ac米兰中文官方网站 Finance & Accounting Division: Improving Capital Efficiency and Cash Generation Capabilities of Our Businesses and Increasing Corporate Value: Understanding the Present to Create the Future
- ac米兰中文官方网站: We look forward to the leadership of new President Moridaira — who was appointed through a fair and transparent process — in implementing the business strategies of the 2025 Mid-term Plan
- ac米兰中文官方网站’s values and innovation history
- ac米兰中文官方网站’s sustainability, and 2025 Mid-term Plan “Road to Vision 2030 —Transform and Challenge—”
- Business strategies, Creating businesses that solve social issues
- Building a governance system to strengthen risk management
- Developing business activities that consider climate change
- Strengthening human capital and organizational execution abilities
- Corporate information/Data
The Integrated Report 2023 is available on the ac米兰中文官方网站 website.
ac米兰中文官方网站, Sustainability Book
ac米兰中文官方网站 website “Sustainability” page
ac米兰中文官方网站’s efforts towards the SDGs
Based on the “Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)” adopted by the United Nations, ac米兰中文官方网站 has formulated the “ac米兰中文官方网站 Vision 2030” which sets the year 2030 as its target and is advancing efforts with the aim to “Build a sustainable world and make people’s life safe, peaceful and rewarding, ac米兰中文官方网站 will create solutions for the new generation of global infrastructure combining information, energy and mobility.” Toward the achievement of our Vision 2030, we will take open, agile, and innovative approaches to promote ESG management that aims to increase corporate value over the medium to long term and will contribute to the achievement of the SDGs.