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Furukawa Industrial S.A. Produtos Eletricos(FISA)

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Brazil and other Latac 米兰官网merican countries encounter a new atmosphere. It integrates laboratories for practical demonstrations of solutions from the manufacturer which can be accessed “live” on the web.

ac 米兰官网8, 2012

São Paulo, 28th February 2012 - Furukawa has opened a new showroom in Curitiba/PR, adding a number of new products to the company's structured network solutions, as well as innovations in its presentation. The initiative considers business channels (integrators and distributors) and costumers in ac 米兰官网 countries, where Furukawa is developing a growing presence.

“From various studies and market research we developed the Furukawa 2012 version showroom, with the aim of providing a better understanding and improved security when taking decisions after adopting a particular network technology. We have created a new presentation concept based on ‘here and now’, functionally and practically, ac 米兰官网 manner that facilitates business processes and creates more safety at a two-level approach: one with customers and the other with partners,” says Antonio Gonçalves, Furukawa's head of Technical Networking Department.

The new showroom enables a comparison of the technologies offered to the market, some active and 100% operational, making it possible for Furukawa's customers and technical partners to access these solutions in real time. “The installation of an optical network, for instance, is very different from a metal mesh. In terms of space, an optical network is 10 times more efficient and its layout differs considerably in racks and physical environments. This kinac 米兰官网 information is important in project design and it is necessary to disseminate more knowledge of the various agents in the market,” explains Gonçalves.

The same configuration of a dynamic and active environment “onsite” can reach long distances in different locations and countries since, as part of the innovations, the whole new demonstration environment of Furukawa products come with 360° digital cameras connected to “ac 米兰官网; systems by means of a web service. “This way we also open Furukawa's doors to other IT professionals and partner IT managers and customers involved in the process, extending access to information and minimizing several costs. We are taking our entire structure, with great interactivity and rich detail in remote viewing, which can reach even the smallest of details in zoom mode to enable a better understanding and observation of the systems,” points out Gonçalves.

Vertical Channels

The new Furukawa showroom is divided into three different segments. The first two involve connectivity systems FCS - Furukawa Cabling Systems, with solutions for optical and metallic cables and supporting infrastructure for Data Centre (ITMAX Solution), Enterprise (Commercial Building Solution), and FBS - Furukawa Broadband Systems, with FTTx solutions for passive optical networks (PON e PON-LAN) and broadcast, focused on TV networks and telecommunications, Internet providers, and triple play services, high standard commercial and residential condominiums, and shopping centers. For this broadband segment, Furukawa presents a solution that allows a video function from a single point to a number of distribution channels and reception on PON networks where the received signal is compatible with any Brazilian Digital TV connected to this network. The third segment is specifically orientated to enable channels. “Here we show in detail the theory and practical experience of the brand's technology combined ac 米兰官网 business objectives of the customer organizations. Our credited network of channels has a modern and advanced workplace so that we can take the most adequate networking solution for each specific need to the different markets,” concludes Gonçalves.

About Furukawa(FISA)

A manufacturer that produces structured cabling solutions and optical networks;Open New Window.Furukawa (FISA)is a national leader in cabling across the Mercosul region and is developing an increasing presence in Latac 米兰官网merica. A Japanese company that has been in the Brazilian market for 37 years with its head office and plant in Curitiba, Paraná, as well as factories in São Paulo and Argentina.

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