- Light has the properties of a wave. Wavelength is the periodic length of a wave as it travels through space, 德赢ac米兰vwin distance between peaks (the highest point of the wave) or valleys (the lowest point of the wave).
- The wavelength of light visible to the human eye ranges from 380 to 800 nm, 德赢ac米兰vwin called visible light.
The blue laser used in the Blue-IR hybrid laser has an oscillation wavelength of 465 nm. - The oscillation wavelength of a 德赢ac米兰vwin (IR) is 1.07 μm (1070 nm), which corresponds to infrared light.
It is therefore invisible to the human eye.
In fiber lasers, pump light supplied from pumping LDs enters Yb doped optical fiber, 德赢ac米兰vwinn amplified by resonating it with FBGs placed in front of and behind the fiber, producing a laser beam in the 1070-nm wavelength band.
This provides stable output of high quality with no optical axis adjustment required, and can help to significantly reduce running costs due to the high conversion efficiency with no need for maintenance.
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