






(1) ???_????米兰体育中国官方网站??ݒu???CISDN????ɐڑ????ēd????ON???܂??D


(1) ?????[?g?C???X?g?[???p???[?^?米兰体育中国官方网站?Ń??O?C?????܂??D

(2) ?????[?g?C???X?g?[???p???[?^???H??o?׎??ݒ?ɂ??܂??D
Login password:
	#reset -d
	米兰体育中国官方网站 want to continue (y/n)?: y
(3) ?????[?g?C???X?g?[???p???[?^?̐ݒ?p?R???t?B?O???[?V?????p?X???[?h???ݒ肳??Ă??Ȃ???΁C?R???t?B?O???[?V?????p?X???[?h??米兰体育中国官方网站?܂??D
#password -c
	retry 米兰体育中国官方网站:
(4) ?R???t?B?O???[?V???????[?h?ɓ???܂??D
(5) WAN?????ISDN?P????Ƃ??܂??D
米兰体育中国官方网站wan isdn
(6) ???Ǒ???ISDN?ԍ??ƕ???????ڑ????u?L???v?C???ʐM?Ď??^?C?}???u300?b?v?Ɛ米兰体育中国官方网站?܂??D
米兰体育中国官方网站isdn multimode=on -1 dial=03xxxxyyyy idletimer=300
(7) ?C???X?g?[?????s???ڑ???̓d?b?ԍ???ݒ肵?܂??D?ڑ??悪???????݂???ꍇ?米兰体育中国官方网站???̕??ݒ肵?܂??D
米兰体育中国官方网站target add name=Osaka dial=06xxxyyyy
(8) ?????[?g?C???X?g?[???p???[?^??LAN????IP?A?h???X?i?N???XC?j?ƃT?u?l?b?g?}?X?N??米兰体育中国官方网站?܂??D
米兰体育中国官方网站interface lan addr=,
LAN????IP?A?h???X?米兰体育中国官方网站?????[?g?C???X?g?[???p???[?^??LAN?‹??ɍ??킹?Ă????????D???̎??C'' ?̃l?b?g???[?N?͎g?p???Ȃ??ł????????D

(9) ?????[?g?C???X?g?[???p???[?^??WAN????IP?A?h???X?ƃT?u?l?b?g?}?X?N??米兰体育中国官方网站?܂??D
米兰体育中国官方网站interface isdn1 remote=,
(10) ???[?g????米兰体育中国官方网站?܂??D?f?t?H???g???[?g??ISDN1?Ƃ??܂??D
米兰体育中国官方网站ipripstatic add dst=, nextif=isdn1


(1) ?????[?g?C???X?g?[???p???[?^??telnet?Ń??O?C?????܂??D
(2) ?I?[?g???O?A?E?g?@?\???I?t?ɂ??C?米兰体育中国官方网站???O?C?????܂??D
Login password:
	#autologout off
	米兰体育中国官方网站.00 H
	Login password:
(3) telnet?̉?ʂŃC???X?g?[????Ɛڑ????܂??D ?i???̐ڑ???300?b?̊ԂɃf?[?^?]?????n?܂?Ȃ??Ɖ???͐米兰体育中国官方网站????܂??j
#connect -1 Osaka?@?i?ڑ???͈??ł??j
(4) ???_????米兰体育中国官方网站??telnet?Ń??O?C?????܂??D???̎???IP?A?h???X?? "" ?Œ?ł??D
(5) ???_????米兰体育中国官方网站?̏ꍇ?C???O?C???p?X???[?h????͂???v?????v?g???o?܂??̂ŁC???^?[???̂ݓ??͂??܂??D
米兰体育中国官方网站.00 H
	Login password:
(6) ?R???t?B?O???[?V?????p?X???[?h??米兰体育中国官方网站?܂??D
#password -c
	retry 米兰体育中国官方网站:
(7) ?R???t?B?O???[?V???????[?h?ɓ???܂??D
(8) ???_????米兰体育中国官方网站?ɉ??????ݒ???s???܂??D
(9) ?ݒ?I????C?ݒ???e?米兰体育中国官方网站?ɕۑ????C?ݒ胂?[?h???I?????܂??D
	Configuration modified. save OK? (y/n) : y
(10) ???u?????Z?b?g???܂??D ???_????米兰体育中国官方网站?????Z?b?g????CISDN??????ؒf????܂??D

(3)?`(10)??????Ԃ????ƂŁC?????̋??_??米兰体育中国官方网站???C???X?g?[?????܂??D ?C???X?g?[???????????????_????米兰体育中国官方网站?ɑ΂??ẮC???K?̐ڑ?????ƂȂ?Ƃ???Ɛڑ??m?F???????s???Ă????????D


(1) ???_????INFONET-米兰体育中国官方网站/RX50??ݒu???CISDN????ɐڑ????ēd????ON???܂??D


(1) ?????[?g?C???X?g?[???p???[?^?米兰体育中国官方网站?Ń??O?C?????܂??D

(2) ?????[?g?C???X?g?[???p???[?^???H??o?׎??ݒ?ɂ??܂??D
INFONET-米兰体育中国官方网站 Remote Router A V01.03 1998.04.15
	WAN topology (6) 1998/05/01 15:12:21 (   0 00:00:03) Super Mode
	1. configuration display
	2. configuration set (normal)
	3. configuration set (expert)
	4. operation
	5. information
	6. shift to super mode
	7. exit from remote console or current mode
	Select the number. : 4

	*** Operation menu ***
	17. reset
	Select the number. : 17

	*** Reset ***
	1. normal restart          2. all default restart
	3. limited default restart
	Reset mode : 2
(3) ?????[?g?C???X?g?[???p???[?^?̊?{?ݒ??米兰体育中国官方网站?܂??D
INFONET-米兰体育中国官方网站 Remote Router A V01.03 1998.04.15
	WAN topology ( 6) 1998/04/22 14:10:28 (   0 00:08:14)  Super Mode
	1. configuration display
	2. configuration set (normal)
	3. configuration set (expert)
	4. operation
	5. information
	6. shift to super mode
	7. exit from remote console or current mode
	Select the number. : 2

	*** Selecting PORT way ***
	  1 HSD,  HSD
	* 2 HSD,  ISDN
	  3 FR,   ISDN
	Select the number. [2]: 


	*** Set multi target configuration ***
	<multi target configuration parameter(s)
	    multi target: not use
	Do you change (y/n)? [n]: y
	multi target (1:use 2:not use) [2]: 1
	multi target parameter(s) are set to the following values.
	<multi target configuration parameter(s)
	    multi target: use
	Set OK (y/n)? [y]: 

	*** Set ISDN remote address configuration ***
	1. remote address data
	2. remote address list
	3. end
	Select the number. [2]: 

	?i?ڑ??悪???????݂???ꍇ?́C???̕??ݒ肵?܂? ?j
	*** Set ISDN remote address list configuration ***
	    1. change  2. delete  3. add  4. display  5. end
	Select the number. [5]: 3
	<Add ISDN remote address list?i?^?[?Q?b?g???C?ԍ??͈??ł??j
	target [t-0000]: Osaka
	address []: 06xxxyyyy
	subaddress []: 
	authen at incoming (1:chap 2:pap 3:off) [3]: 
	authen at outgoing (1:chap 2:pap 3:off) [3]: 
	my hostname []: 
	my password: 

	ISDN remote address list:
	no  target
	 1. Osaka                           
	     address                   : 06xxxyyyy
	     subaddress                : 
	     authen at incoming        : off
	     authen at outgoing        : off
	     password                  : 
	    my host name              : 
	    my passwd                 : 
	Add OK (y/n)? [y]: 


	*** Main: Set ISDN#1 configuration ***
	<Main ISDN#1 parameter(s)
	    local  (ISDN address:                      subaddress: )
	    target index:  
	    connection activate/deactivate: passive/passive
	Do you change (y/n)? [n]: y
	local ISDN address []: 03xxxxyyyy?i?ԍ??͈??ł??j
	       subaddress []: 
	<Target index
	 1. Osaka                             
	Select the number of target index []: 1

	<Select connection activate/deactivate mode
	   activate     deactivate    |   activate     deactivate   
	1. time         time          |4. manual       manual       
	2. traffic      traffic       |5. passive      passive      
	3. time+traffic time+traffic  |
	Select the number. [5]: 2
	Main ISDN#1 parameter(s) are set to the following values.
	<Main ISDN#1 parameter(s)
	    local  (ISDN address: 03xxxxyyyy           subaddress: )
	    target index: Osaka
	    connection activate/deactivate: traffic/traffic
	Set OK (y/n)? [y]: 


	*** Set IP address target configuration ***
	<IP address target parameter(s)
	    IP address target table (max 20 entries)
	    no entry.
	Do you change (y/n)? [n]: y

	    1. change  2. delete  3. add  4. end
	Select the number. : 3
	<Add IP address target
	address []:
	<Target index
	 1. Osaka                             
	Select the number of target index []: 1

	        address         target     Osaka                           
	Add OK (y/n)? [y]: 

	*** Set IP router configuration ***
	<IP router configuration parameter(s)
	    routing interface list
	                                               broadcast or
	             IP address       subnetmask         remote address interface type
	    LAN   broadcast
	    ISDN#1          point to point
	    OSPF protocol: not use
	Do you change (y/n)? [n]: y
	LAN    IP address []:
	       subnetmask []: 
	       broadcast []: 
	ISDN#1 interface type (1:broadcast 2:point to point) [2]: 1
	       IP address []: 
	       remote address []:
	       subnetmask []:
	OSPF protocol (1:use 2:not use) [2]: 
	IP router parameter(s) are set to the following values.
	<IP router configuration parameter(s)
	      routing interface list
	                                              broadcast or
	            IP address       subnetmask         remote address interface type
	    LAN   broadcast
	    ISDN#1            broadcast
	    OSPF protocol: not use
	Set OK (y/n)? [y]: 


	*** Set RIP(IP) interface configuration ***
	<RIP(IP) interface parameter(s)

	           send    recv    metric pre-    broad- interval   ageout time
	           control control        ference   cast      (sec)             (sec)
	    LAN    RIP1    RIP1,2  0      0       -      -          -      -         
	    ISDN#1 RIP1    RIP1,2  0      0       off    30         off    180LAN    :                 (not configured)
	        ISDN#1 :                 (not configured)
	Do you change (y/n)? [n]: y
	LAN RIP send control (1:RIP1 2:RIP2 3:RIP1,2 4:off) [1]: 
	        recv control (1:RIP1 2:RIP2 3:RIP1,2 4:off) [3]: 
	    password []: 
	    metric [0]: 
	    preference [0]: 
	ISDN#1 RIP send control (1:RIP1 2:RIP2 3:RIP1,2 4:off) [1]: 4
	           recv control (1:RIP1 2:RIP2 3:RIP1,2 4:off) [3]: 4
                           metric [0]: 
	       preference [0]: 
	       broadcast (1:on 2:off) [2]: 
	       broadcast interval (sec) [30]: 
	       RIP entry ageout (1:on 2:off) [2]: 
	       ageout time (sec) [180]: 

	RIP(IP) interface parameter(s) are set to the following values.
	<RIP(IP) interface parameter(s)

	           send    recv    metric pre-    broad- interval   ageout time
	           control control        ference   cast      (sec)             (sec)
	    LAN    RIP1    RIP1,2  0      0       -      -          -      -         
	    ISDN#1  off      off  0      0       off    30         off    180       
	    <RIP2 password
                            LAN    :                 (not configured)
	Set OK (y/n)? [y]: 

	*** Set IP static routing configuration ***
	    1. change  2. delete  3. add  4. display  5. end
	米兰体育中国官方网站. [5]: 4

	<IP static routing table (max 32 entries)
	    no  dst address     mask            metric preference
	     1.         ---.---.---.--- 16     50


	Now you have set all configurations!
	Do you display the configurations (y/n)? [y]: n

	(Warning): Some configurations are not updated unless you reset
	    1. Save new parameter(s) and reset    3. Configurations set again
	    2. Save new parameter(s) only         4. Quit (no save and no reset)
	米兰体育中国官方网站. : 1
(4)?g???ݒ?ŁC ???ʐM?Ď??^?C?}???u300?b?v?Ɛ米兰体育中国官方网站?܂??D
INFONET-米兰体育中国官方网站 Remote Router A V01.03 1998.04.15
	WAN topology (6) 1998/05/01 15:12:21 (   0 00:00:03) Super Mode
	1. configuration display
	2. configuration set (normal)
	3. configuration set (expert)
	4. operation
	5. information
	6. shift to super mode
	7. exit from remote console or current mode
	Select the number. : 3

	*** Expert mode (configuration) menu ***
	1. datalink
	Select the number. : 1

	*** Exp. : Set datalink extension configuration ***
	<Datalink extension parameter(s)

	idle timer?̐ݒ???f?t?H???g60?b????300?b?ɑ??₷


(1) ?????[?g?C???X?g?[???p???[?^??telnet?Ń??O?C?????܂??D
(2)telnet?̉?ʂŃC???X?g?[????Ɛڑ????܂??D ?i???̐ڑ???300?b?̊ԂɃf?[?^?]?????n?܂?Ȃ??Ɖ???͐米兰体育中国官方网站????܂??j
INFONET-米兰体育中国官方网站 Remote Router A V01.03 1998.04.15
	WAN topology (6) 1998/05/01 15:12:21 (   0 00:00:03) Super Mode
	1. configuration display
	2. configuration set (normal)
	3. configuration set (expert)
	4. operation
	5. information
	6. shift to super mode
	7. exit from remote console or current mode
	Select the number. : 4

	*** Operation menu ***
	1. connect ISDN#1 main line
	Select the number. : 1

	*** Connect main line ***
	<Target index
	1. Osaka
	Select the number of target index [1] : 

	(Osaka) Command OK.
	Hit return or ESC or 'q' key:
(4) ?[?????狒?_????INFONET-米兰体育中国官方网站/RX50??telnet?Ń??O?C?????܂??D???̎???IP?A?h???X?? "" ?Œ?ł??D
(5) ???_????INFONET-米兰体育中国官方网站/RX50?̏ꍇ?C???C?????j???[???o?܂??D
INFONET-米兰体育中国官方网站 Remote Router A V01.03 1998.04.15
	WAN topology (6) 1998/05/01 15:12:21 (   0 00:00:03) Normal Mode
	1. configuration display
	2. configuration set (normal)
	3. configuration set (expert)
	4. operation
	5. information
	6. shift to super mode
	7. exit from remote console or current mode
	Select the number. :
(6) ?R???t?B?O???[?V??????ݒ肷?邽?߂ɁC?X?[?p?[???[?h?米兰体育中国官方网站???܂??D
INFONET-米兰体育中国官方网站 Remote Router A V01.03 1998.04.15
	WAN topology (6) 1998/05/01 15:12:21 (   0 00:00:03) Normal Mode
	1. configuration display
	2. configuration set (normal)
	3. configuration set (expert)
	4. operation
	5. information
	6. shift to super mode
	7. exit from remote console or current mode
	Select the number. : 6?@?@?@??Super Mode?Ɉړ????܂??D
	New password: ***?@?@?@???p?X???[?h????́D
	Retype New password: ***?@?@?@???ēx?p?X???[?h?????
	New password is accepted.

	INFONET-米兰体育中国官方网站 Remote Router A V01.03 1998.04.15
	WAN topology (6) 1998/05/01 15:12:30 (   0 00:00:12) Super Mode
	1. configuration display
	2. configuration set (normal)
	3. configuration set (expert)
	4. operation
	5. information
	6. shift to super mode
	7. exit from remote console or current mode
	Select the number. :

(7) ?u2. 米兰体育中国官方网站 (normal)?v?ɓ???C??{?ݒ???s???܂??D
(8) ???_????INFONET-米兰体育中国官方网站/RX50?ɉ??????ݒ???s???܂??D
(9) ??{?ݒ?I????C?ݒ???e?𑕒u?ɕۑ??E???Z?b?g???s???܂??D???_????INFONET-米兰体育中国官方网站/RX50?????Z?b?g????CISDN??????ؒf????܂??D
(Warning): Some configurations are not updated unless you reset
	    1. Save new parameter(s) and reset    3. Configurations set again
	    2. Save new parameter(s) only         4. Quit (no save and no reset)
	米兰体育中国官方网站. : 1
?i???j?????ŁC?g???ݒ?̕K?v??????ꍇ?C???C?????j???[?̕\?????o????u3. 米兰体育中国官方网站 (expert)?v?ɓ???C?g???ݒ???s???܂??D
  • ???_????INFONET-米兰体育中国官方网站/RX50?ɉ??????ݒ???s???܂??D
  • ?g???ݒ?I????C???u?????Z?b?g???܂??D?u4. operation?v?Łu17. reset?v??I?????C?u1. normal restart?v???s???܂??D???_????INFONET-米兰体育中国官方网站/RX50?????Z?b?g????CISDN??????ؒf????܂??D

  • (3)?`(9)??????Ԃ????ƂŁC?????̋??_??INFONET-米兰体育中国官方网站/RX50???C???X?g?[?????܂??D ?C???X?g?[???????????????_????INFONET-米兰体育中国官方网站/RX50?ɑ΂??ẮC???K?̐ڑ?????ƂȂ?Ƃ???Ɛڑ??m?F???????s???Ă????????D


    All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C) FURUKAWA ELECTRIC CO., LTD. 1998