???܂??A国际米兰中文官网 *** Selecting?ɂ???p????p?????C???^?[?l?b?g?ڑ??i1.国际米兰中文官网bps?j???\?ł??B?Ȃ??AINFONET 3780?Ɋւ??ẮA???ɂ????????߂????????Ă?????̎Q?l?ƂȂ?K???ł??B
INFONET-RX30 Remote Router B V01.01 1998.04.06 WAN topology ( 1) 1998/06/25 13:42:57 ( 0 00:02:54) Normal Mode 1. configuration display 2. configuration set (normal) 3. configuration set (expert) 4. operation 5. information 6. shift to super mode 7. exit from remote console or current mode Select the number. : 6?@?@?@??Super Mode?Ɉړ????܂? New password: ?@?@?@???K???p?X???[?h?????Ă??????? Retype New password: New password is accepted. INFONET-RX30 Remote Router B V01.01 1998.04.06 WAN topology ( 1) 1998/06/25 13:43:11 ( 0 00:03:07) Super Mode 1. configuration display 2. configuration set (normal) 3. configuration set (expert) 4. operation 5. information 6. shift to super mode 7. exit from remote console or current mode Select the number. : 2 *** Selecting PORT way *** * 1 HSD 2 FR Select the number. [1]: ?@?@?@????p?????g?p???܂? *** Set current time parameter(s) *** 1998/06/25 13:43:17 Do you change (y/n)? [n]: *** Main: Set HSD configuration *** <Main HSD parameter(s) speed : 192Kbps Do you change (y/n)? [n]: y speed(1:192K 2:256K 3:384K 4:512K 5:768K 6:1024K 7:1152K 8:1.5M) [1]: 8 ????????x??1.5Mbps Main HSD parameter(s) are set to the following values. <Main HSD parameter(s) speed : 1.5Mbps Set OK (y/n)? [y]: *** Set basic configuration *** <Basic configuration parameter(s) IP routing : use IP filtering : not use IPX routing : not use AppleTalk routing: not use bridging : not use SNMP : use Do you change (y/n)? [n]: *** Set IP router configuration *** <IP router configuration parameter(s) routing interface list broadcast or IP address subnetmask remote address interface type -------+----------------+----------------+----------------+-------------- LAN broadcast HSD point to point OSPF protocol: not use Do you change (y/n)? [n]: y LAN IP address []: 158.***.100.1 ?????[?^??LAN?A?h???X ?i?v???o?C?_????^????ꂽ?O???[?o???A?h???X?̂P??) subnetmask []: ???v???o?C?_?Ŏw?????ꂽ?T?u?l?b?g?}?X?N broadcast [158.***.100.15]: ?@?????^?[???̂݁i?????I?ɒl??????܂??j HSD interface type (1:broadcast 2:point to point) [2]: IP address []: remote IP address []: remote subnetmask []: OSPF protocol (1:use 2:not use) [2]: IP router parameter(s) are set to the following values. <IP router configuration parameter(s) routing interface list broadcast or IP address subnetmask remote address interface type -------+----------------+----------------+----------------+-------------- LAN 158.***.100.1 158.***.100.15 broadcast HSD ---.---.---.--- point to point OSPF protocol: not use Set OK (y/n)? [y]: *** Set RIP(IP) motion configuration *** <RIP(IP) motion parameter(s) mode : supplier default metric: 16 Do you change (y/n)? [n]: *** Set RIP(IP) interface configuration *** <RIP(IP) interface parameter(s) send recv metric pre- broad- interval ageout time control control ference cast (sec) (sec) ------+-------+-------+------+-------+------+----------+------+---------- LAN 国际米兰中文官网 国际米兰中文官网,2 0 0 - - - - HSD 国际米兰中文官网 国际米兰中文官网,2 0 0 on 30 on 180 <RIP2 password LAN : (not configured) HSD : (not configured) Do you change (y/n)? [n]: y LAN RIP send control (1:国际米兰中文官网 2:RIP2 3:国际米兰中文官网,2 4:off) [1]: recv control (1:国际米兰中文官网 2:RIP2 3:国际米兰中文官网,2 4:off) [3]: password []: metric [0]: preference [0]: HSD RIP send control (1:国际米兰中文官网 2:RIP2 3:国际米兰中文官网,2 4:off) [1]: 4 ??RIP???g?p???܂??? recv control (1:国际米兰中文官网 2:RIP2 3:国际米兰中文官网,2 4:off) [3]: 4 ??RIP???g?p???܂??? metric [0]: preference [0]: broadcast (1:on 2:off) [1]: broadcast interval (sec) [30]: RIP entry ageout (1:on 2:off) [1]: ageout time (sec) [180]: RIP(IP) interface parameter(s) are set to the following values. <RIP(IP) interface parameter(s) send recv metric pre- broad- interval ageout time control control ference cast (sec) (sec) ------+-------+-------+------+-------+------+----------+------+---------- LAN 国际米兰中文官网 国际米兰中文官网,2 0 0 - - - - HSD off off 0 0 on 30 on 180 <RIP2 password LAN : (not configured) HSD : Set OK (y/n)? [y]: *** Set IP static routing configuration *** 1. change 2. delete 3. add 4. display 5. end Select the number. [5]: 4?@???X?^?e?B?b?N???[?g???m?F???? <IP static routing table (max 64 entries) no dst address mask metric preference gateway ---+---------------+---------------+------+---------- 1. ---.---.---.--- 16 50 HSD *** Set IP static routing configuration *** 1. change 2. delete 3. add 4. display 5. end Select the number. [5]: ?F ?F?ȗ? ?F Now you have set all configurations! Do you display the configurations (y/n)? [y]: n (Warning): Some configurations are not updated unless you reset 1. Save new parameter(s) and reset 3. Configurations set again 2. Save new parameter(s) only 4. Quit (no save and no reset) Select the number. : 1?@?????Z?b?g???s??ꗧ???オ???A?ݒ肪?L???ł?