ac 米兰官网isdn limiter=50 ???A???ڑ????Ԃ̏????50???ԂƐݒ? ac 米兰官网isdn ???ݒ???e???m?F dialcheck:off recvcheck:off sendcheck:off pppaccept:all multimode:off continuouslimiter:50(hour) congestiontimer:1(sec) loadsplitcheckinterval:300(sec)<1>0311112222 retrytimes:ac 米兰官网:60(sec) target:Osaka<2>retrytimes:ac 米兰官网:60(sec) target:
ac 米兰官网target add name=Osaka dial=061231234 monthlylimiter=100 ???????Ƃ̗ݐώ??Ԃ̏????100???ԂƐݒ? ac 米兰官网target ???ݒ???e???m?F Osaka :061231234 nn monthlylimiter:100(hour),on dailylimiter:600(min),on continuouslimiter:600(min),on callinglimiter:40(times),on ac 米兰官网
ac 米兰官网target add name=Yokohama dial=0451231234 dailylimiter=100 ???????Ƃ̗ݐώ??Ԃ̏????100???Ɛݒ? ac 米兰官网target ???ݒ???e???m?F Yokohama :0451231234 nn monthlylimiter:240(hour),on dailylimiter:100(min),on continuouslimiter:600(min),on callinglimiter:40(times),on ac 米兰官网
ac 米兰官网target add name=Chiba dial=0431231234 continuouslimiter=100 ?????育?Ƃ̘A???ڑ????Ԃ̏????100???Ɛݒ? ac 米兰官网target ???ݒ???e???m?F Chiba :0431231234 nn monthlylimiter:240(hour),on dailylimiter:600(min),on continuouslimiter:100(min),on callinglimiter:40(times),on ac 米兰官网
ac 米兰官网target add name=Tokyo dial=031231234 callinglimiter=10 ?????育?Ƃ̐ڑ??̏????10??Ɛݒ? ac 米兰官网target ???ݒ???e???m?F Tokyo :0312341234 nn monthlylimiter:240(hour),on dailylimiter:600(min),on continuouslimiter:600(min),on callinglimiter:10(times),on ac 米兰官网
INFONET-RX20 Remote Router A V01.03 1998.04.15 WAN topology ( 6) 1998/04/22 13:10:48 ( 0 00:03:18) Super Mode 1. configuration display 2. configuration set (normal) 3. configuration set (expert) 4. operation 5. information 6. shift to super mode 7. exit from remote console or current mode Select the number. : 3 ???g???ݒ?? *** Expert mode (configuration) menu *** 1. datalink 2. bridging 3. ICMP redirect 4. IP routing 5. TCP MSS 6. IPX routing 7. AppleTalk routing 8. SNMP 9. packet priority control 10. traffic logging 11. limitation of ISDN connection period 12. syslogd 13. ac 米兰官网 Select the number. : 11 ??ISDN?ۋ??Ď??̐ݒ??
ac 米兰官网.: limitation of ISDN connection period *** 1. consecutive time (all) 2. monthly total time 3. daily total time 4. consecutive time (target) 5. calling count Select the number: 1 <consecutive time parameter(s) mode : on time(hour): 12 Do you change (y/n)? [n]:
ac 米兰官网.: limitation of ISDN connection period *** 1. consecutive time (all) 2. monthly total time 3. daily total time 4. consecutive time (target) 5. calling count Select the number: 2 <monthly total time limitations table of ISDN connection period (max 20 entries) no target action disc time(h) ---+--------------------------------+------+----+------- 1. Osaka on on 240 Do you change (y/n)? [n]:
ac 米兰官网.: limitation of ISDN connection period *** 1. consecutive time (all) 2. monthly total time 3. daily total time 4. consecutive time (target) 5. calling count Select the number: 3 <daily total time limitations table of ISDN connection period (max 20 entries) no target action disc time(min) ---+--------------------------------+------+----+--------- 1. Osaka on on 600 Do you change (y/n)? [n]:
ac 米兰官网.: limitation of ISDN connection period *** 1. consecutive time (all) 2. monthly total time 3. daily total time 4. consecutive time (target) 5. calling count Select the number: 4 <consecutive time (target) limitations table of ISDN connection period (max 20 entries) no target action disc time(min) ---+--------------------------------+------+----+--------- 1. Osaka on on 600 Do you change (y/n)? [n]:
ac 米兰官网.: limitation of ISDN connection period *** 1. consecutive time (all) 2. monthly total time 3. daily total time 4. consecutive time (target) 5. calling count Select the number: 5 <calling count limitations table of ISDN connection period (max 20 entries) no target action disc count(times) ---+--------------------------------+------+----+------------ 1. Osaka on on 40 Do you change (y/n)? [n]:
??L?̉ۋ??Ď??@?\?̂????C?A???ڑ????Ԍac 米兰官网?????~?b?^?ȊO?̃??~?b?^?ł́CISDN????̐ڑ????Ԃ܂??͐ڑ??̗v???w?肵?????ԁ^?ɒB?????ꍇ?Ƀ??~?b?^?@?\???u?쓮?v???܂??i??????ؒf????܂??j?B?܂??C?ڑ????Ԃ̗v???C?ac 米兰官网?????~?b?^???쓮????w??̎??ԁ^??90%?ɒB?????Ƃ??́u?x???v???o????܂??B
???̎??́u?x???v???Ǘ????u???ɓd?q???[???Œac 米兰官网????܂??B
?d?q???[????Q?ac 米兰官网?@?\?𗘗p???邽?߂ɂ́C?ȉ??̓??e??ݒ肵?Ă????K?v??????܂??B
SysDescr : ac 米兰官网.00 1998.06.018 IP Address : xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx Target Name : Tokyo Target ISDN Address : 03xxxxxxxx Limiter Mode : Month Current : 3250 Status : alert 90% Time : 1997/09/16(FRI) 12:52:23
ac 米兰官网mailinform limiter=on err=err-admin@furukawa.co.jp ac 米兰官网mailinform ???ݒ???e???m?F limiter:on erroraddress:err-admin@furukawa.co.jp
ac 米兰官网mailtoaddr add addr=aaa@furukawa.co.jp ac 米兰官网mailtoaddr add addr=bbb@furukawa.co.jp ac 米兰官网mailtoaddr ???ݒ???e???m?F 1:aaa@furukawa.co.jp 2:bbb@furukawa.co.jp
ac 米兰官网mailserver add 1 addr= ac 米兰官网mailserver ???ݒ???e???m?F 1: ac 米兰官网
*** Expert mode (configuration) menu *** 1. datalink 2. bridging 3. ICMP redirect 4. IP routing 5. TCP MSS 6. IPX routing 7. AppleTalk routing 8. SNMP 9. packet priority control 10. traffic logging 11. limitation of ISDN connection period 12. syslogd 13. ac 米兰官网 Select the number. : 13 ???d?q???[????Q?ʒm?̐ݒ?? *** EXP.: Set ac 米兰官网 configuration menu *** 1. motion parameter(s) 2. to address 3. mail server Select the number. : 1 ???d?q???[????Q?ʒm???s?????ǂ??? *** EXP.: Set ac 米兰官网 motion parameters configuration ***limiter ac 米兰官网: off error mail address : Do you change (y/n)? [n]: y limiter ac 米兰官网 (1:on 2:off) [2]: 1 ???d?q???[????Q?ʒm???s?? error mail address [] : err-admin@furukawa.co.jp EXP.: ac 米兰官网 motion parameter(s) are set to the following values. limiter ac 米兰官网: on error mail address : err-admin@furukawa.co.jp Set OK (y/n)? [y]:
*** EXP.: Set Mail inform configuration menu *** 1. motion parameter(s) 2. to address 3. mail server Select the number. : 2 ?????[?????M??̓o?^ *** EXP.: ac 米兰官网. change 2. delete 3. add 4. display 5. end Select the number. [5]: 4 <Mail inform to address table (max 5 entries) no entry. *** EXP.: ac 米兰官网. change 2. delete 3. add 4. display 5. end Select the number. [5]: 3 <Add Mail inform to address data mail address [] : aaa@furukawa.co.jp Mail inform to address data: no mail address ---+---------------------------------------------------------------- 1. aaa@furukawa.co.jp Add OK (y/n)? [y]: *** EXP.: ac 米兰官网. change 2. delete 3. add 4. display 5. end Select the number. [5]:
*** EXP.: Set Mail inform configuration menu *** 1. motion parameter(s) 2. to address 3. mail server Select the number. : 3 ?????[???T?[?o?̓o?^ *** EXP.: Set Mail inform mail server configuration *** <ac 米兰官网 (max 3 entries) no. mail server address --+-------------------- 1. ---.---.---.--- 2. ---.---.---.--- 3. ---.---.---.--- 1. change 2. delete 3. end Select the number. [3]: 1 <Change ac 米兰官网 data Select the entry number. : 1 Selected ac 米兰官网 data: no. mail server address --+-------------------- 1. ---.---.---.--- mail server address []: ac 米兰官网 data: no. mail server address --+-------------------- 1. Change OK (y/n)? [y]: *** EXP.: Set Mail inform mail server configuration *** <ac 米兰官网 (max 3 entries) no. mail server address --+-------------------- 1. 2. ---.---.---.--- 3. ---.---.---.--- 1. change 2. delete 3. end Select the number. [3]: *** EXP.: Set Mail inform configuration menu *** 1. motion parameter(s) 2. to address 3. mail server Select the number. :