ac 米兰官网wan hsd 128?@?????x??ݒ肷?? ac 米兰官网interface ipx lan network=0000aaaa tick=1 ?@?@?@?????[?^??LAN?A?h???X ac 米兰官网interface ipx hsd network=0000cccc tick=11 ?@?@?@?????[?^??WAN?A?h???X ac 米兰官网ipxrouting on ?@?@?@??IPX???[?e?B???O???g?p???? ac 米兰官网exit configuration modified. save OK ? (y/n): y please reset# reset Do you want to continue (y/n)?: y
ac 米兰官网wan hsd 128 ac 米兰官网interface ipx lan network=0000bbbb tick=1 ac 米兰官网interface ipx hsd network=0000cccc tick=11 ac 米兰官网ipxrouting on ac 米兰官网exit configuration modified. save OK ? (y/n): y please reset# reset Do you want to continue (y/n)?: y
INFONET-RX20 Remote Router A V01.03 1998.04.15 WAN topology ( 6) 1998/04/22 15:47:38 ( 0 00:01:56) Super Mode 1. configuration display 2. configuration set (normal) 3. configuration set (expert) 4. operation 5. information 6. shift to super mode 7. exit from remote console or current mode Select the number. : 2?@????{?ݒ???s???܂? *** Selecting PORT way *** 1 HSD, HSD * 2 HSD, ISDN 3 FR, ISDN Select the number. [2]: ?F ?F?ȗ? ?F *** Selecting WAN topology *** <"L:" is load split, "B:" is backup, "L+B:" is load split and backup 1 HSD 2 HSD ( B:ac 米兰官网1) 3 HSD (L+B:ac 米兰官网1) 4 HSD (L+B:ac 米兰官网1,2) 5 HSD ( B:ac 米兰官网1,2) * 6 ac 米兰官网1 7 ac 米兰官网1 (L :ac 米兰官网2) 8 HSD, ac 米兰官网1 9 HSD, ac 米兰官网1 (L :ac 米兰官网2) 10 ac 米兰官网1, ac 米兰官网2 11 HSD ( B:ac 米兰官网1),ac 米兰官网2 12 HSD (L+B:ac 米兰官网1),ac 米兰官网2 13 HSD, ac 米兰官网1, ac 米兰官网2 Select the number. [6]: 1?@??HSD??I?????܂? *** Main: Set HSD configuration *** <Main HSD parameter(s) speed : 0Kbps Do you change (y/n)? [n]: y speed(1:64K 2:128K) [2]:?@????????x??128Kbps Main HSD parameter(s) are set to the following values. <Main HSD parameter(s) speed : 128Kbps Set OK (y/n)? [y]: *** Set basic configuration *** <Basic configuration parameter(s) IP routing : use IP filtering : not use IPX routing : not use AppleTalk routing: not use bridging : not use SNMP : use Do you change (y/n)? [n]: y IP routing (1:use 2:not use) [1]: 2?@??IP???[?e?B???O???g?p???Ȃ? IP filtering (1:use 2:not use) [2]: IPX routing (1:use 2:not use) [2]: 1?@??IPX???[?e?B???O???g?p???? AppleTalk routing (1:use 2:not use) [2]: bridging (1:use 2:not use) [2]: SNMP (1:use 2:not use) [1]: 2 Basic parameter(s) are set to the following values. <Basic configuration parameter(s) IP routing : not use IP filtering : not use IPX routing : use AppleTalk routing: not use bridging : not use SNMP : not use Set OK (y/n)? [y]: *** Set IPX router configuration *** <IPX router parameter(s) router name: routing interface list network NO. node ID. frame type tick -------+-------------+---------------+--------------+----- LAN 00000000 ETHERNET_802.2 1 HSD 00000000 0000.0000.0000 ETHERNET_802.2 1 IPX filtering:use Do you change (y/n)? [n]: y router name []: LAN network NO. [00000000]: 0000aaaa?@?????[?^??LAN?A?h???X frame type (1:ETHERNET_II 2:ETHERNET_802.3 3:ETHERNET_802.2 4:ETHERNET_SNAP) [3]: ticks [1]: HSD network NO. [00000000]: 0000cccc?@?????[?^??WAN?A?h???X node ID. [0000.0000.0000]: frame type (1:ETHERNET_II 2:ETHERNET_802.3 3:ETHERNET_802.2 4:ETHERNET_SNAP) [3]: ticks [1]: 11 IPX filtering (1:use 2:not use) [1]: IPX router parameter(s) are set to the following values *** <IPX router parameter(s) router name: routing interface list network NO. node ID. frame type tick -------+-------------+---------------+--------------+----- LAN 0000aaaa ETHERNET_802.2 1 HSD 0000cccc 0000.0000.0000 ETHERNET_802.2 11 IPX filtering:use Set OK (y/n)? [y]: ?F ?F?ȗ? ?F (Warning): Some configurations are not updated unless you reset 1. Save new parameter(s) and reset 3. Configurations set again 2. Save new parameter(s) only 4. Quit (no save and no reset) Select the number. : 1
*** Set IPX router configuration *** <IPX router parameter(s) router name: routing interface list network NO. node ID. frame type tick -------+-------------+---------------+--------------+----- LAN 0000bbbb ac 米兰官网802.2 1 HSD 0000cccc 0000.0000.0000 ac 米兰官网802.2 11 IPX filtering:use