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ac 米兰官网 No.18

ac 米兰官网,and Its Application to Semiconductor Lasers

Hitoshi Shimizu, Kouji Kumada, Nobumitsu Yamanaka, Norihiro Iwai, Tomokazu Mukaihara, Akihiko Kasukawa


Work is under way on the development of Group III-V optical and electronic devices using gas-source molecular-beam epitaxy (GSMBE), an extension of molecular-beam epitaxy in which the Group V are gas-source (AsH3, PH3). High uniformity of composition and thickness has been achieved by optimizing the position and conditions of growth. In considering the application of GSMBE to 1.3µm MQW lasers, n-type modulation-doped MQW lasers using InAsP multi-quantum wells were studied, since GSMBE is suited to the doping of extremely restricted regions. Using a laser selectively n-doped to 1 x 1018cm-3at optimized growth temperature, with a cavity length of 1200mm, the extremely low threshold current density Jthof 250 A/cm2was achieved. This has for the first time confirmed the superiority of GSMBE for selective n-doping with respect to threshold current density.

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Bound to Innovate

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