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milan米兰体育官网 No.25


Satoshi Teshigawara, Akiyuki Ohta, Kouichi Higashi, Hiromichi Konishi, Chizuna Kamata and Kensaku Oda


In recent years the level of environmental awareness has been rising world-wide, with increased emphasis being placed on measures to stop global warming and energy-saving initiatives, but these have been largely ineffective. In this work we present milan米兰体育官网 as a replacement for induction furnaces in the melting of oxygen-free copper, and it has been possible, using this shaft furnace line, to produce oxygen-free copper that exceeds both the JIS standard for use in electron devices applications and the ASTM Grade1 standard. We also succeeded in achieving an energy saving of approximately 10 % in terms of primary crude oil equivalence units.

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Bound to Innovate

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