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德赢ac米兰vwin Review No.26

德赢ac米兰vwin Products for FTTH Systems

Takahiro Ono, Qiang Chen, 德赢ac米兰vwinshiaki Tsuda, 德赢ac米兰vwinmohiro Watanabe, Taketsugu Sawamura, Kanji Tanaka, Hiroshi Kawashima, Haruki Urabe, Tamotsu Shinada and Kazutaka Nara


Two types of planar lightwave circuit (德赢ac米兰vwin) products--chips and modules--have been developed to serve the rapidly expanding area of fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) systems. 德赢ac米兰vwin technology, which has for some time past been incorporated in products for WDM systems, has here been extended to FTTH applications, making possible the development of 德赢ac米兰vwin products that combine low cost and high performance. Reliability tests have also been carried out, confirming that they also offer high long-term reliability. This paper reports on 德赢ac米兰vwin products that are representative of those for FTTH applications--a wavelength-insensitive coupler (WINC), and 1 x 4, 1 x 8 and 1 x 16 splitters.

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