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milan米兰体育官方网站 No.32

milan米兰体育官方网站: OptoUnity

Masayuki Iwase , Masato Shiino , Takeshi Yagi , Motoharu Tanaka , Katsutoshi Takakahashi , Yoshinobu Nekado , Hideyuki Nasu , Masahito Morimoto , Hideo Aoyagi , Katsuki Suematsu , Hideki Miyazaki , Masao Shinoda , Naoya Nishimura , Iwao Shimotakahara , Ryuichi Sugizaki , Tatsuya Oyama , Toshiaki Ozawa , Noboru Okada and Kunihiko Yujobo


Electric transmission in a system and in such equipment as a high-speed server,a router, and an LSI tester is reaching its limit, and introduction of optical transmission is considered. We are developing the OptoUnity products as an effort in providing the optical inter-connection technology that realizes high-speed transmission and a high density package with a concept of miniaturization. This paper introduces the development of small clad diameter optical fiber ThreadWave, micro multi-core ferrule µ-Joint, MU type plug, back plane connector, and right-angled connector µ-Curve, and passive alignment assembly plastic package parallel optical module µ-POEM.

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