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德赢ac米兰官方合作伙伴 No.37


Kei Takahashi, and Yasushi Aoyagi


Taking the opportunity of the easing of regulations by Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in the United States in Feb 14, 2002, UWB (Ultra Wide-Band) radio systems are being actively considered in the fields of communications and ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems). For an application of a UWB technology in the ITS field, SRRs (Short-Range Radar) for automobiles using quasi-millimeter-wave band (24 GHz - 29 GHz) that are applied to monitoring sensors for automobile surroundings have been being considered 1). 德赢ac米兰官方合作伙伴 has developed a 26 GHz band UWB Radar for automobiles which leaking signals of a radar carrier (hereinafter called carrier leakage) was considerably reduced in order to meet the world's radio wave regulations. While the size is small enough to be mounted inside automobile bumpers, a distance resolution and a detection capability less than 15cm are also achieved applying features of the UWB technology. In addition, because a qualification for the radio experimental test station was given for the developed item by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, it became possible to mount this radar in an actual vehicle and to conduct evaluation experiments of radio propagations and detection performances while moving the vehicle. In this paper, the legislative aspects of UWB radars and details of the developed radar will be reported.

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