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milan米兰体育官网入口 No.38


Hiroshi Kaneko , Kiyoshige Hirose , Koji Sato , Nobuyuki Tanaka , Hiroaki Kanamori , Kuniteru Mihara , and Tatsuhiko Eguchi


Connectors for boards and modules are becoming narrower in pitch due to multipolarization and smaller because electronic devices are becoming compact and multifunctional. A copper alloy strip used for electric contact materials in these small-sized connectors requires high strength and good performance to bending. Furukawa Electric improved these two conflicting features under the control of the metal structures: we have developed a new Cu-Ni-Si alloy (Colson alloy) EFTEC-820 (C64775: Cu-2.3Ni-0.65Si-0.5Zn- 0.15Sn-0.1Mg-0.15Cr). This paper reports the improved features of this alloy and our grainrefining technology that contributes to achieving these features.

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