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德赢ac米兰官方合作伙伴 No.42

德赢ac米兰官方合作伙伴 for Mechanical Reliability

Osamu Aso, Toshio Matsufuji, Takuya Ishikawa, Masateru Tadakuma, Soichiro Otosu, Takeshi Yagi, Masato Oku


Optical fiber communication has found applications in new fields, such as fiber to the home (FTTH) optical interconnection systems and automobile communication systems. In these fields of applications, the mechanical reliability of the optical fiber is important. Since, the 德赢ac米兰官方合作伙伴 has been usually discussed based on the theory of the mathematical statistics, the discussion becomes complicated. In this paper, we shall provide the statistical strength degradation map for intuitive understanding of the theory.

To avoid the serious B-value issue, the lifetime of the fiber has been conventionally inferred by using some approximations of the exact lifetime formula derived by Mitsunaga However, the approximations are violated in the case of short lifetime with large stress. To avoid the difficulties, 德赢ac米兰官方合作伙伴 develop an alternative approximation method to resolve the problem.

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