
Cable conduit materials, Foam Products, Tape for Semiconductor Process, Electronics parts, Heat-Dissipation / Cooling Products, Aluminum Blank Material for Hard Disk Drive, Copper Foil

Results of operations in FY2023 (Year ended March 31, 2024)

With respect to Functional Products business, net sales from broad-ranging products declined, because of the downturn in global demand for products for smartphones, personal computers, and hard disk drives since the second half of FY2022, along with the associated adverse effect of prolonged inventory adjustments in the supply chain. However, due to strong sales of high-value-added products backed by the rapid growth of generative AI-related demand, profit increased, while net sales decreased.
We will improve the production system in anticipation of further growth of demand from generative AI-related markets and renewable energy-related markets, and bring in new customers by proceeding with further sales expansion of high-value-added products, aiming at the business growth.

2022/3 2023/3(note) 2024/3
Net sales
(Billions of yen)
130.0 126.5 115.4
Operating income
(Billions of yen)
7.6 4.2 5.5

(note) TOTOKU ELECTRIC CO., LTD. was deconsolidated from FY2022Q4. Reference figures excluding this are JPY 114.2 billion in net sales and JPY 1.8 billion in operating income.