Administrator of shareholders' register

Procedures related to shares are handled by Company shareholder Mizuho Trust & Banking Co., Ltd.


Mizuho Trust & Banking Co., Ltd. Custody Service
1-17-7 Saga, Kotoku, Tokyo, JAPAN 135-8722
Phone: 0120-288-324 (toll-free)

Fiscal year

From April 1 to March 31

Record date

Regular Annual Shareholders' Meeting: March 31
Year-end dividend payment: March 31
Interim dividend payment: September 30

Odd-lot shares

ac米兰中国官网 has a system that allows additional buying of odd-lot shares. Shareholders holding odd-lot shares that do not add up to the 100 single share unit may request that the Company sell the number of certificates required to create a single share unit. Shareholders may also request that the Company buy back odd-lot shares.

For more information, please consult with the Administrator of Shareholders' Register listed above (or with your securities company, in case you are using a securities depository system).

Example for procedure