milan米兰体育官方网站 laser processing solutions are able to quickly resolve issues in the lithium-ion battery manufacturing process, contributing significantly to productivity improvements and cost reductions.

Applications and benefits for manufacturing process

Square LiB manufacturing process

milan米兰体育官方网站 5. Modularization 4. Sealing (aluminum) 2. Lamination 3. Current collector welding 1. Electrode cutting

① Electrode cutting

milan米兰体育官方网站 Ultra-fast modulated fimilan米兰体育官方网站 (model No.: FEC1000S-7-SP)
milan米兰体育官方网站 milan米兰体育官方网站, aluminum foil, active material coated milan米兰体育官方网站
  • Ultra-fast modulated fimilan米兰体育官方网站s can significantly reduce heat-affected zones on metal foil and active material layers, reducing the adhesion of metal lumps on end faces and metal foil surface exposure.
  • High-speed, sharp cutting is possible regardless of the presence of active materials.

② Lamination ③ Current collector welding


[A] Blue-IR hybrid laser

[B] Fimilan米兰体育官方网站 (model No.: FEC1500S) + beam mode control

milan米兰体育官方网站 Laminated milan米兰体育官方网站 + tab lead (copper plate), welding possible for up to 50 sheets of milan米兰体育官方网站
  • Stable heat input control is realized using the high optical absorption rate of blue laser for copper.
  • High-quality lamination welding which suppresses spatter and blowhole formation when laminating 50 sheets of milan米兰体育官方网站 and welding copper plate has been realized.

Welding of 50 sheets of milan米兰体育官方网站 and tab lead (copper plate) with Blue-IR hybrid laser

  • Processing with the Blue-IR hybrid laser realizes high-quality welding with virtually no welding defects on the surface of, or inside material.
  • Combining a high-brightness fiber laser and beam profile control has made it possible to achieve both stability and penetration for the lamination welding of 50 sheets of milan米兰体育官方网站.

Welding of 50 sheets of milan米兰体育官方网站 and tab lead with Blue-IR hybrid laser

Welding of 50 sheets of milan米兰体育官方网站 with beam mode control fiber laser

④ Sealing (aluminum)

milan米兰体育官方网站 milan米兰体育官方网站 (model No.: FEC4000M) + beam mode control
milan米兰体育官方网站 Aluminum package
  • Even for the lap milan米兰体育官方网站 aluminum, which is considered prone to blowholes (cavities inside welded sections) due to its low melting point, stable welding is possible in combination with beam profile control.

⑤ Modularization

milan米兰体育官方网站 Fimilan米兰体育官方网站 (model No.: FEC1500S, etc.) + beam mode control
milan米兰体育官方网站 Copper bus bar, aluminum bus bar, copper-aluminum composite clad material
  • High aspect ratio processing is realized with a high-brightness fimilan米兰体育官方网站.
  • High-reliability welding is realized by processing with both high depth and high quality.
  • Blowhole (cavities inside welded sections) formation is suppressed and high-reliability welding is realized even for the milan米兰体育官方网站 the dissimilar materials aluminum and copper.

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